Trophy Ridge Sure Shot Pro Whisker Biscuit Arrow Left Hand Rest Trophy Ridge AWB4-RH-66
Trophy Ridge Sure Shot Pro Whisker Biscuit Arrow Left Hand Rest Trophy Ridge AWB4-RH-66 can be shown as well. Because Trophy Ridge Sure Shot Pro Whisker Biscuit Arrow Left Hand Rest Trophy Ridge AWB4-RH-66 is designed to meet the requirements of use as well. I bought it to use. I feel like a lot.
Trophy Ridge Sure Shot Pro Whisker Biscuit Arrow Left Hand Rest Trophy Ridge AWB4-RH-66 is a great product with a product that needs a lot. I recommend that people known to have purchased the product because it was good. Easy not easy and Trophy Ridge Sure Shot Pro Whisker Biscuit Arrow Left Hand Rest Trophy Ridge AWB4-RH-66 is delivered to a place where you want.
- Micro windage and elevation adjustment with nylon bushings to ease adjustments and prevent binding
- Aluminum-encased biscuit-300% stronger than previous models
- Laser-engraved reference marks
- Custom rubber boots silence arrow landing
- Designed to use with left and right hand bows
Trophy Ridge Whisker Biscuit Sure Shot Pro Arrow Rests. Solid, simple, quiet and hard-hitting accurate! The aluminum-encased Sure Shot Pro may be lightweight and compact, but its got a rock-solid, dual-bolt mount and a simple design that offers quick and easy set-up. Simply attach it to your riser mounting holes and it lines up automatically, ready to put a hurtin' on Mr. Mossy Horns. Aluminum-encased biscuit, light and strong; Micro windage and elevation adjustment with nylon bushings to ease adjustments and prevent binding over time from dust and dirt; Laser-engraved reference marks; Custom rubber boots silence arrow loading; Available in right or left hand.; State Right or Left Hand and Size. Nab yours now! Trophy Ridge Sure Shot Pro Whisker Biscuit Arrow Rest, Black
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